Food Quests Halifax Nachos
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Post-Pandemic Nacho Quest!

Welcome to the Post-Pandemic Nacho Quest! (And to those saying, “The pandemic is still ongoing” – I know, I know. This is just the first Nacho Quest since the beginning of the pandemic. Sharing finger foods hadn’t exactly been encouraged for a while, ya know?). So why another Nacho Quest? Well, things left off in 2019 and seemed final. The […]

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Asian Food Food Quests Halifax
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HFX Ramen Quest: The Final!

The Ramen Quest was a bit of an experiment, as I had never done a head-to-head tournament-style quest before, nor had I been tasked with such impossible logistics. It is easy to share pizza and nachos with a group, but have you ever tried to split up bowls of noodles and broth? Who gets the egg?! Then there is the question […]

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Food Quests Halifax Nachos
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Halifax Nacho Quest: The Rest!

We are so close to trying every platter of nachos on the Halifax peninsula and naming the best nachos in Halifax – I can almost taste it! Tastes like cheese, and salt, and spice, and victory! Since 2014 we’ve done our streets: Spring Garden Road, Argyle Street, Brunswick Street, Barrington Street and Quinpool Road. We’ve also done the Waterfront, the […]

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Halifax Nachos
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Halifax Nacho Quest: Quinpool Road

The first nacho quest of 2018 kicks off on Quinpool Road, the final neighbourhood to be conquered by the Halifax (Peninsula) Nacho Quest! Today’s questers were: Denton, Halifax ReTales, Laurie Burns, Machzy and Halifax Wingman. Our mission: to find the best nachos on Quinpool Road (and surrounding areas). Quinpool isn’t exactly a bustling bar district, so these were our 4 […]

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Halifax Maritimes Nachos Nova Scotia
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Halifax Nacho Quest: South End

The goal of the Halifax Nacho Quest is to discover the best nachos in the city. A group of 6-10 participants embark on a pub-crawl-like adventure, tackling one street at a time, and seeking out nachos wherever they may be. We’ve covered downtown so now it is time to check out the far north and south ends of the city. […]

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Fairview Pizza Quest

Since we included Rockingham within Clayton Park I figured it would make enough sense to include Armdale within the Fairview Pizza Quest. The Armdale pizza shops: Euro Pizza  Armdale Pizza (*Now Closed) (Yes, we did these before on the West End Halifax Pizza Quest but we are revisiting them here). The Fairview pizza shops: Velos Pizza (*now closed) Ken’s Seafood […]

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Food Quests Halifax Pizza
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Clayton Park Pizza Quest

In 2014 I did a Halifax Peninsula Pizza Quest. In 2015 I conquered Dartmouth. Now in 2016 I’m going to tackle Clayton Park, Fairview and Spryfield! I have been told that this quest should be called the Clayton Park/Rockingham Quest but that’s a long title so call it what you want. (Truth: I never knew Rockingham was a place until […]

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Edmonton Donair Quest

Last fall I did a Calgary Donair Quest, even though it is really the Edmonton that is known for the the Western Canadian donair. The Edmonton donair dates back to the 1980s which you can read about in this Walrus article: The Donair Wars. Charles Smart was the OG of the Edmonton donair but, alas, it no longer exists. So […]

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